Hindustan Pencils

How do we make pencils fun in a digital world?


Industrial Design


Hindustan Pencils, is a ubiquitous pencil brand in India, and every child has used their famous hexagonal, red-and-black pencils at some point. The brand was facing competition from newer, bolder competitors, and wanted a re-fresh of their identity. Alongside that, we created these little 3D-printed pencil holders. They could be used as a toy, a little desk-accessory, or used to build a larger shop display or installation; all built around the distinct shape of the pencils.

Design Process

The process started with taking detailed measurements of the pencils to account for variances in the manufacturing process. The structure was built around a “truncated icosahedron”aka a football shape, with extrusions long enough to hold the pencils.

Multiple iterations were 3D printed in different materials, including ABS and Fila-flex before the dimensions were finalized and a number of units were printed in PLA. The final presentation brought out the inner children in the clients, as they worked together to assemble a “tree”using pencils and these pencil holders.