Our changing relationship with technology

Tracking signals of change for the topic “Our Relationship with Technology”, looking at predictions for how technology will shape our lives in the years to come

01. Reboot Culture:

As content becomes increasingly vast and easy to create, people will seek comfort in the stories, tropes and celebrities of the past.
Source: The Verge

02. Social Engineered Hacks:

As technological systems become increasingly secure, there remains only one weak point: The Human. Soon cutting humans out of the loop will be the only solution to a truly "secure" network
Sources: Uber & Rockstar hacks: The Verge

03. Quantum Computing:

As AI and other technologies mature, they will demand increasingly vast amounts of computing power, a demand that Quantum Computing pioneers hope to satisfy.
Source: techmonitor.ai

04. Your AI Doctor:

AI Doctors will take over many of the tasks of diagnosis, parsing symptoms both from medical reports and health data, as well as from increasingly empathetic conversations with patients.
Source: Science Daily

05. Drone Reforestation :

As climate change devastates our planet, drones will form the new front in the fight for reforestation.
Source: Geekwire

06. Ear-able Computing:

New software applications are using sound to transport users to sonic spaces, bringing audio to the forefront of AR experiences. The richness of sound can transport users to new experiences, affecting moods and behaviors.
Source: Sparks and Honey Business Bets 2021

07. Digital Twins:

“In the future, every single factory and every single building will have a digital twin that will simulate and track the physical version of it”
Source: Wunderman Thompson Future 100 2022

08. Neurodiversity:

Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits. This thinking will soon permeate through all our interfaces and interactions
Source: Harvard Health

09. Retro-Tech:

As technology becomes increasingly complex, and simulates realities catch-up-to and even surpass reality, people will begin seeking the quirky, distorted and limited interactions that retro technology gave us.
Source: Reddit

10. Commercialized Empathy:

Empathy will soon become just another convenience that is packaged and sold in the form of apps and online interactions.
Source: AIGA Eye on Design

11. AI Predicted Policing:

As algorithms become the driving force behind policing, conversations around access, bias, data privacy and "intentions vs action"  will become more relevant, a matter of life and death.
Source: U Chicago

12. Misinformation Generation:

While a whole generation is growing up with, and learning from, the internet, the lack of accountability will lead to world where misinformation is as widespread and accepted as scientific knowledge.
Source: Business Insider

13. AI Driven Radicalization:

As content is now fed from a "blackbox AI", radicalization will take on new forms, and become increasingly difficult to tackle.
Source: CBC

14. Brain Machine Interfaces:

A new set of products will remove the need for clunky interfaces that are limited by their physical deficiencies, and will communicate directly to the brain, providing completely new forms of experiences.
Source: Science Focus

15. Xenotransplantation:

Currently ten patients die each day in the United States while on the waiting list to receive lifesaving vital organ transplants. Transplantation using non-human sources, including animals and lab-grown organs has the potential to save thousands, while bringing a slew of ethical implications
Source: FDA

16. Human Robot Relationships:

As AI becomes indistinguishable from human interactions, and robots
begin to take on more human forms, human-robot relationships will
become more common-place, and provide an alternative to traditional
human relationships. While initially this may start as a purely
physical interaction, robots will soon become viable alternatives toplatonic and even familial relationships.
Source: Ross Dawnson's The Future of Sex Report


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